Your next steps, now that you’ve purchased an event ticket on Eventbrite:

  • Login or Create a SCHED account. Use the same email account as Eventbrite to link your ticket to your event schedule.

  • Start your day at your first panel

  • Use this handy map to find all our locations

  • Identify yourself! Badges will be available at your first panel. Save them for the entire week!

  • Connect socially: Follow #AMSWIT19 to hear stories from sessions throughout the week and to connect with other attendees. We’ll be covering all things conversational on TwitterFacebookLinkedIn and Instagram so please join us! 

See you 28 OCT - 1 NOV at the WiT Regatta!

*locations are subject to change 
avatar for Chris Neale

Chris Neale

Henry James Consulting
Founded the EMEA boutique search firm HJC recruiting high performing sales talent and functional leaders for the software sector following a career in the software industry as a Sales Director & as a plc Director for international search firms.

A British national, I speak German & Dutch having studied at the Goethe Institutes in Hamburg & Frankfurt & the Universiteit van Amsterdam.

US, UK & Germany/DACH tech firm leaders & investors call me for regional advice on package levels & market conditions & to supply specialist sales Candidates in key software & services niches when they have exhausted their own personal networks.

Candidates contact me for confidential career guidance & advice on presenting their achievements on social media & traditional CV formats to help them navigate a professional career search: I run software career advisory surgeries in Cologne, Frankfurt, Munich & Stuttgart.

My Partner Catrina runs our EMEA talent research centre based in an 1850 canal house near Amsterdam which housed a succession of Dutch family bakers; we provide the same personalised service in honour of the hardworking entrepreneurs whose spirit has certainly not left the building.

Als pragmatischer Personalvermittler und Gründer von Henry James Consulting hat Chris über mehr als 20 Jahre ein solides Netzwerk von IT Vertriebsexperten in Europa aufgebaut.